Peace work during elections: Challenges and potentialities
septembre 29, 2017
Building Peace: Our Work for Change
octobre 1, 2017
Peace work during elections: Challenges and potentialities
septembre 29, 2017
Building Peace: Our Work for Change
octobre 1, 2017
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The gender approach: work for peace and the fight against discrimination

Publishers: Christiane Kayser and Flaubert Djateng Contact: Flaubert Djateng:

Introduction.........7par Christiane Kayser et Flaubert Djateng
L’approche genre : pas seulement une affaire de femmes.........9par Christiane Kayser
Pour une nouvelle vision du genre et de ses enjeux politiques dans le monde.........13par Kä Mana
Âme seule.........19par N’kashh
L’action pour la paix et l’égalité en termes de genre, générations et justice sociale.........24par Rita Schäfer
« Avant la guerre, j’étais un homme » : Hommes et masculinités à l’est du RD Congo.........32par Désirée Lwambo
Le travail pour la paix et l’approche genre : lepointdevuedeSierraLeone.........46par Shecku Kawusu Mansaray
L’approche genre : Le travail pour la paix et la lutte contrelesdiscriminations.........55par Laura
Anyola Tufon Construction de la féminité et son impact dans la situation socio-économique actuelle des femmes au Nord Cameroun.........58par Viviane Tassi Bela
Regard sur la condition de la femme etdelajeunefillecamerounaise.........69par Stephanie Knott
Ma tante, la vie, les Eglises et « Le Bien ».........79par Flaubert Djateng
En Afrique, un pas en arrière sur les droits de l’homme........82par Desmond Tutu
Religions et homosexualité : la situation camerounaise.........85Organisé par l’Association SID’ADO, par Rév. Jean-Blaise Kenmogne
Diviser et Régner.........93par Nicole Poissonier
Un jeune Congolais dans la tourmente du conflit.........101par Tharcisse Kayira
Divertir, expliquer, conscientiser – un feuilleton radiophonique encourage la coexistence pacifique SLADEAexploredenouvellespistes.........104par Iris Liethmann
Autorités traditionnelles et Jeunes : plaidoyer pour un dialogue intergénérationnel gage d’harmonie et de paix durable.........108par le Collectif DMJ
Les conséquences psychologiques de l’exclusion chezlesenfantsdelarue.........119par le Prof. André Masiala ma Solo
Le travail créatif avec les enfants de la rue.........122par Wassy Kambale Bahitirye
Introduction This publication on gender, anti-discrimination and peacebuilding aims to illustrate the link between these different fields of action. This is not only about men / women, but also young / old, between ethnic groups, religious groups, people of different skin colors, sexual orientations, and so on. The publication brings together very diverse and sometimes contradictory articles from authors working in the DR Congo, Cameroon and Sierra Leone. Based on the principle that « peace grows from within, » our objective is to illustrate the different fields of anti-discrimination in favor of societies that are more united and able to live their differences by mobilizing all forces of peace, justice and stability. We believe that a network working for peace on the basis of more equity and justice such as ours should be able to accept divergent and sometimes marginalized points of view in order to achieve fruitful dialogue. We share fundamental values ​​that must allow us to respect the other in its diversity. We are not aiming for a unanimity that would paralyze all evolution, but rather a frank crossing of the eye. The articles are based on each other’s experiences, come from partners of the SCP, resource persons and support professionals. They describe situations of discrimination and conflict but often also attempts to escape from it. The authors expressed their obviously subjective points of view, which the publishers respected, with the sole aim of excluding any discourse of hatred and exclusion. The great number of contributions that have come to us have shown us how our inter-African networks of the Civil Service for Peace advance and forge links between them. We hope that this publication will also contribute to this. Good reading and as always your reactions are welcome. Christiane Kayser Flaubert Djateng Goma, Bafoussam February 2012 – « Life is an ocean but it ends at the shore » (RZ) « For he is busy being born is busy dying.  

Download the PDF file on this link

Christiane Kayser Flaubert Djateng Goma, Bafoussam Février 2012

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