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BftW-CPS Network Celebrates International Day of Peace with a Campaign against the Deadly Kush Drug in Sierra Leone
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Celebrating International Day of Peace with a Call to Promote a Society free of Drug and Substance Abuse

Civil Peace Service Liberia Network celebrated International Peace Day in Monrovia with a parade, an indoor program to observe and celebrate the day. The United Nations set aside the International Day of Peace in pursuit of Peace as a fundamental human right. The Global 2024 theme for the International Day of Peace is “Cultivating a Culture of Peace.”

A parade by members of partner organizations and other celebrants

In Liberia, the day was celebrated under the sub-theme: “Promoting a Society Free of Drugs and Substance Abuse through Effective Partnership.” The program began with a parade from the Duport Road Massacre Memorial to the Peaceful United Lutheran Parish on Duport Road where an indoor program was held with representatives from the German Embassy near Monrovia, representative from AGIAMONDO, CPS partner organizations, stakeholders, organizers, and members of the public also in attendance.

Activities at the program included reading a proclamation on the International Day of Peace declared by the President of Liberia, a panel discussion on a drug-free society, and a drama depicting the importance of peace for everyone. The proclamation called on all citizens, government ministries autonomous agencies, civil society organizations and private businesses, schools and colleges, places of worship, and individuals within the borders of Liberia to join the New African Research and Development Agency (NARDA), a partner organization of CPS Liberia Network to plan and implement appropriate programs befitting the occasion.

Panelists from the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency – LDEA, the lead agency in Liberia responsible for illicit drug smuggling and abuse, the Liberia National Police, and the Liberia Immigration Service participated in the panel discussion. With the use of illicit – drugs and substances by a large number of young people in Liberia, and huge drug inflow into the country, the Liberia government declared drugs a “national emergency.”  

Delivering the keynote address a former drug addict, Christian Domenyan said CPS’s decision to celebrate under the Sub-theme: “Promoting a society free of drugs and substance abuse through effective partnerships” is not only appropriate but also a reflection of the Network’s deep sense of understanding about the factors undermining the culture of peace in Liberia, and the need for collective effort in addressing these factors. He strongly believes that drugs and substance abuse are among the top five factors undermining the culture of peace in Liberia.

“The use of drugs leads to violence, abuse, crimes, stigma, and discrimination in the home, the society, and the nation at large. Where you have violence, abuse, crimes including armed robbery, rape, and theft, there can be no peace.” He noted. Civil Peace Service Liberia Network is also giving attention to this issue and has begun discussions on promoting a drug-free society in Liberia.

The appearance and testimony of Christian Domeyan, a former drug addict now rehabilitated through the Lutheran Church in Liberia Trauma Healing and Reconciliation Program, LCL_THRP, provides motivation to other young people involved in drug abuse for rehabilitation.

The Deputy Head of Mission at the German Embassy near Monrovia, Peter Schiener noted that it is important for people to speak their minds freely and not be afraid to speak up and criticize institutions. “The theme for the celebration rests deeply with everyone. No doubt there are worries in Liberia, and many young people in Liberia especially the youths are lured to drugs and false friends, false friends who promise pleasure and relief from pain, hunger, and desperation.”

(L-R) CPS Network Coordinator, Deputy head of Mission German Embassy to Liberia, AGIAMONDO representative and LCL-THRP Gbelly Harris

Mr. Schiener said substance abuse threatens the fabric of Liberian communities, and the challenges are immense, but not insurmountable. He appreciated Civil Peace Service, AGIAMONDO, and Bread for the World, noting that Germany supports these organizations with their input and by being present at the program.

Civil Peace Service – AGIAMONDO representative Marion Koerbel said AGIAMONDO also has partners who are working on promoting a society free of drugs and substance abuse in schools, while also offering information and psychosocial support. Ms. Koerbel said she believes that there is one thing we all can do as human beings, and that is we have the responsibility for ourselves, we can control and work on our thoughts, our emotions, and families, and believes we all have ethical values, and we can share and coordinate.

Some participants at the indoor program

Civil Peace Service Liberia Network Coordinator, Ms. Decontee E. George thanked Germany for the support and noted that drugs and substance abuse is a crucial battle for everyone, noting that the use of illicit drugs and substance abuse is a crisis after the Liberian civil war, the Ebola and Coronavirus pandemics.

“Liberia like Sierra Leone has also declared drugs and substance abuse as a national emergency and CPS Liberia Network is working in partnership with CPS Mano River Union, with Sierra Leone also celebrating International Day of Peace under a similar theme.”

“From the panel discussion, everyone is vulnerable. There is a point where we all become vulnerable and must accept criticism. And if criticisms will help in fighting drugs and substance abuse, we must allow and accept the criticisms.” Ms. George said.

She called for actions to curb drugs and substance abuse, calling on civil society and the government to work on a prevention strategy. She said the discussion to promote a society free of drug and substance abuse during the International Day of Peace is a call to action.

She disclosed the hosting of a Mano River Meeting in Liberia in October 2024 with partners from Sierra Leone and Bread for the World Partners in Berlin, to ensure they take action to fight drugs and substance abuse, as in the case of the Ebola and Coronavirus pandemic.

With the Celebration of the International Day of Peace under the sub-theme: “Promoting a Society Free of Drug and Substance Abuse”, the Network has shown its desire to have a drug – free society in the Mano River Union, and is paying key attention to the issue of drugs, and working with key stakeholders to help create awareness on the danger of drugs.



Participants at the IDP Celebration


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