Presentation of the CPS

About this website

Peace work Africa is the official portal of the Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) Civil Peace Service (Bfdw-CPS) activities in West and Central Africa. This website serves the purposes of networking and sharing among the partner organisations and countries; and as a channel for the voices of local peace workers from these regions to be heard across the world.


The Brot für die Welt (Bread for the world) Civil Peace Service (BfdW-CPS) regroups partner organizations working for peace, reconciliation and good governance in four African countries.


Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)


Sierra Leone

Civil Service Peace is a program funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development around the world, primarily focused on the placement of an integrated support professional (seconded personnel) with host partner organisations.

The Brot für die Welt (Bread for the world) Civil Peace Service (BfdW-CPS) in Central and West Africa is peculiar in the structure of its coordination.

It is a Civil Peace Service under the coordination of national coordinators from these four countries. These coordinators facilitate the integration of seconded personnels into their host organisations, facilitate the collaboration and networking of partner organisations, serve as the link between partner organisations and Brot für die Welt, and through peer learning share the experiences of peace work in the four countries.

The Brot für die Welt (Bread for the world) Civil Peace Service (BfdW-CPS) is thus primarily community-based peace work carried out and coordinated by local actors.

Our mission

The BfdW-CPS mission is the strengthening of local partner organizations along five key dimensions of peace work: psychological, intellectual, cultural, economic and political.

On a psychological BfdW – CPS supports project that promote self-esteem, courage, the will to take charge of oneself Programmes on Mental health and Psychosocial support, general health care, humanitarian activities and community resilience and wellbeing

On the intellectual front, PplM – SCP supports partners who work to increase people’s capacity for analysis, strengthen their knowledge, facilitate the emergence of critical thinking, and create spaces for reflection and contextual analysis.

At the cultural level, BfdW – CPS partner with organisations that work to change traditions that favour gender based violence and that promote the conception of new cultural and spiritual values that promote social justice, equity and peace.

In the economic field, BfdW – CPS partners to improve local production and strengthen the empowerment of women and youths; through access to micro-credit, support for inputs, materials and the promotion of small farms and businesses.

On the political front, BfdW – CPS supports activities in the promotion of human rights, justice, good governance and the fights against hunger, poverty and corruption.