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CPS Liberia Network, Partnering to Promote a Drug Free Society

Civil Peace Service Liberia Network has begun the call for a drug-free society with a panel discussion on strategies and actions to promote a drug-free society.  

The panel discussion was held during the International Day of Peace celebrations in Paynesville City, Liberia. Representatives from the Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency – LDEA, the lead agency in Liberia responsible for illicit drug smuggling and abuse, the Liberia National Police, and the Liberia Immigration Service participated in the panel discussion.

Panelists discussing the possibility of a drug – free society

During the discussion, participants discussed what can be done to curb illicit drugs and substance abuse in Liberia. The Program Manager of the Center for Justice and Peace Studies, Francis Konyon believes it is possible to have a drug-free society, and there must be a political will to fight the importation. He furthered that on paper, there is a national health emergency against drugs and substance abuse and importation, but the reality is not being reflected in the national budget for institutions in the fight against illegal drugs.

The Liberia National Police represented by Superintendent Roland T. Wesseh, Program Officer for Community Services says, a drug-free society must be the collective efforts of all citizens. “Enforcement has to involve everyone.” “Community participation will drastically minimize the influx of drugs,” he said.

The Liberia Drugs Enforcement Agency represented by Agent Maxwell Sonpon noted that collaboration by security agencies at all border points is key in fighting drug smuggling, adding that adequate logistics and mobility are also key factors in fighting illicit drugs smuggling.

CPS Network Liberia believes that promoting and having a drug free society in Liberia is cardinal to peace in communities, and to a larger extent, the country, and has begun consultations and discussions on the issue.

 The Network through its Coordinator, Decontee E. George says a Mano River meeting in Liberia in October 2024 with partners from Sierra Leone and Bread for the World partners in Berlin, will discuss actions by partner organizations in Liberia and Sierra Leone to help fight drugs and substance abuse.

The platform and interaction provides the opportunity for participants to directly interact with stakeholders and obtain information on what CPS Network partners are doing to have a drugs free society in Liberia; Enable Network members and the public know the current status of the new drugs law; Network partners and participants become knowledgeable about key provisions of the new drug law, and how the law works. The engagement also provided the opportunity for network partners to have a better understanding of the working of key law enforcement agencies involved in the fight against drugs smuggling and abuse.

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