CPS, YMCA Working to Promote Peaceful Elections in 2023
June 21, 2023Chambi Julie, COMINSUD – Bamenda
June 21, 2023Ngalle Nelson: PCC, National Peace Work Unit
As a peace organization we are more involved with a lot of community work ?
We are involved with the issue of peace building and public transformation which has to do with how we can empower young people to become change makers in their communities where they reside and so far so good these activities have been ranging from youths but also involves religious leaders, how we can empower religious leaders to build advocacy plate forms where they can use these plate forms to advocate for peace to build some level of cohesion so far as living together is concerned. We look forward to expand our Network given that we work with the CPS partners and it is an opportunity for us to share experiences and see where we can build and expand our interventions. That is what we are looking forward in the years to come. Particularly, this year we have a program “preacher for peace” and we hope to end this year and see how we can build more people who can advocate for peace. We are looking into how we can build plate forms for legitimate representation for it is one key thing that we discovered in the field that a lot of people ought to make their voice heard but they do not have the right plate forms where they can make these voices heard and most a times these plate forms are not representative. People just come from nowhere and just form plate forms and where they start propagating that they represent people. But we want to see how we can build veritable plate forms where we can bring people who will be mandated and can carry out this engagement which is more representative of the community. We hope that in the years to come we shall have the necessary resources to go through this our project.
Christelle Otto