November 15, 2022

CPS  Partners and International Day of Peace: Working to Build a More Inclusive Peace in Liberia

In celebration of International Day of Peace, The Civil Peace Service, Bread for the World Partners and Agiamondo held several activities surrounding the International Day of […]
September 26, 2022

CPS BftW Partners Liberia: organize a monitoring and documentation workshop

A three-day training in monitoring and documentation, led and supported by civil peace service, Bread for the World Liberia, held at the Ambassador Hotel, Unification Town, […]
July 16, 2022

CPS Network Partners Liberia: Contributing to the Achievement of the CPS’s Regional Strategy

With the implementation of programs that contribute to the achievement of the CPS regional strategy highlighting three outcomes, CPS Network Partners recently held their trimester meeting […]
July 16, 2022

CPS Partners Contributing to Reducing Youths Involvements in Elections Violence in Liberia, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo and Sierra Leone.

Civil Peace Service (CPS) Partners from four African countries, held three days of Coordinators Peer Learning Meeting in Monrovia from July 5-7, 2022. CPS Coordinators from […]
June 29, 2022

CPS Liberia: Social Cohesion and Sustainable Development through Networking and Collaboration.

The Civil Peace Service (CPS) Network Liberia is implementing programs that focus on contributing to the achievement of the CPS regional strategy, which highlights three outcomes, which are: [...]