BftW-CPS Network Defuses Long-standing Land-use Conflict through Mediation
November 28, 2023Mano River CPS 2023 Annual Partners Meeting in Sierra Leone
February 29, 2024CPS Coordinators Peer Learning in Sierra Leone
Every year, the Bread for the World (BftW) supported Civil Peace Service (CPS) National Coordinators of member countries in Africa including Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo (D. R. C) come together in a peer learning engagement that is hosted in an agreed location. The purpose is to reflect on their work and its impact in the peace of the member countries. they also examined the challenges, and how they could possibly use the lessons learned to improve performance in fostering their peace building efforts in their respective countries. The peer learning for 2023 was held at the Conference Room of the Council of Churches in Sierra Leone (CCSL) in Freetown from 22nd to 24th August, 2023. The theme for this year was focused on elections since the host country had just conducted their national elections. The visiting team was meant to learn from the processes and procedures, including challenges and how they could be surmounted to ensure the conduct of peaceful and credible elections in their countries.