Strengthening Partners’ Works through Collaboration & Local Context  
June 17, 2024
SiLNoRF Promotes Peace and Responsible Land Governance in Communities
July 3, 2024
Strengthening Partners’ Works through Collaboration & Local Context  
June 17, 2024
SiLNoRF Promotes Peace and Responsible Land Governance in Communities
July 3, 2024
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CPS Liberia Network Collaborating for Effective Implementation

Civil Peace Service Liberia Network (CPS) organizes activities aimed at effective network collaboration, strengthening partner organizations, and effective implementation of programs and activities of the Network.

CPS Network Liberia Coordinator, Madam Decontee E. George making a presentation

Community planning and work session, joint collaborations, partners visitations and quarterly meetings are some of the engagements by the network to discuss and share experiences, identify challenges and implement action points. During their first trimester meeting for 2024, partner organizations of CPS Network Liberia met in Marshall, Margibi County to review, plan  and reflect on activities for 2024. They reviewed the 2023 Mano River Union meeting and report, presentations and highlights of the Network plans for 2024, preparation for mediation by partner organizations among other activities.

Partner organizations made presentations on the current situation in Liberia, where they want to go, and what they want to build on. On the current situation in Liberia, they noted that Liberia’s peace is fragile due to political divide, citing a riot in March 2024 by football fans during a county meet football tournament, intended to unify Liberians, exhibited division among some Liberians. They also highlight tribalism as an issue. 

Further, they hailed Bread for the World for the transition of a new CPS Network Coordinator, the establishment of community of practice for mediation, Do No Harm, Open Space, and increase participation of CPS partners in Network activities.

On what they want to build on, partner organizations said they want more empowerment and training in mediation and governance, joint collaboration on advocacy, while building on the strength of network partners, build linkages with other civil society organizations, and engage in joint advocacy and engagements with government and civil society organizations.

Heads and representatives of CPS Network Liberia partner organizations

Partner organizations made presentations and highlighted their 2024 plans. The New African Research and Development Agency, (NARDA) led by Mr. Mr. Lancedell Matthews made a presentation on NARDA’s intervention on land ownership, what customary people should know and do, to formalize their land ownership. Mr. Matthews during his presentation, said communities are more informed on processes of land acquisition. He said NARDA has been able to help communities organize meetings, hold discussions among themselves, and agree on how they want to become customary land–owning communities. “Another outcome of our intervention is for communities to know who own each portion of land in their communities.” He noted.

 “In communities where we work, residents are better informed on the processes of land acquisition. These tasks are done in collaboration with the relevant land authorities and agencies to help communities implement programs around land issues.

On the establishment of community of practice for mediation, Mr. Larry Melling led the process, focusing on the phases of mediation, setting the agenda, story telling-allowing the parties to explain themselves, brainstorming and resolutions. This aspect of the meeting was intended to afford partner organizations heads have a deeper insight into mediation as the Network intends to initiate several activities and programs aimed at mediation. In march 2024, Bread for the World held a follow-up mediation training for CPS partners in Liberia.  The country context analyses was done, focusing on the 2023 elections in Liberia, highlighting CPS roles in the elections with participants noting that messages were targeted for a free and fair elections, and citizens knowing their rights and responsibilities.

Review of the Network plan was done by the Coordinator, Madam Decontee E. George, who shared with participants activities to be implemented by the network, and time line for implementations.

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